Activities and Events
Casper Boat Club sponsors many activities/events during the season. The "big three" weekends of course are the activities planned around the National Holidays - Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. Other activities have become almost as popular and have turned into much anticipated annual events - Beach Party and Poker Run to name a couple. Whatever the activity, you can be assured the CBC community will make each event unique and fun. A description of a few of the more popular events is provided here. Check the calendar for a full list of activities/events for this season, and check our Facebook and Blog pages for discussion about each event.
Casper Boat Club sponsors many activities/events during the season. The "big three" weekends of course are the activities planned around the National Holidays - Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. Other activities have become almost as popular and have turned into much anticipated annual events - Beach Party and Poker Run to name a couple. Whatever the activity, you can be assured the CBC community will make each event unique and fun. A description of a few of the more popular events is provided here. Check the calendar for a full list of activities/events for this season, and check our Facebook and Blog pages for discussion about each event.
"Clean Up Day" as it has come to be called is usually the first member event of the season. It's held close to opening day and members are encouraged to come to the club and help get it ready for the summer season. Members clean up the club itself, do minor repairs, pick up trash, wipe down furniture, and clean docks. In general, we just enjoy getting together again and contributing a little elbow grease to make the club ready for the new season. Often the kitchen will provide a hot meal and/or something special for all to enjoy after a day of work and camaraderie. When you see this event on the calendar, please plan to attend and contribute your time and effort to get the club ready for summer!
Memorial Day weekend is the first big weekend of the summer season. Many members use this weekend to launch their boats and renew ties with their CBC friends. Meal and drink specials are usually planned. The big activity of the weekend is the Annual Canyon to Curve Fun Run/Walk. This is a fun 5 mile run, jog, walk, that gets everyone outside to enjoy the great environment at Alcova. The run is followed by breakfast at the club with special preparation of Bloody Marys and Bloody Bens! It’s all in the name of fun for your friends and family.
July 4th is always a big weekend at the lake, whether you're a CBC member or visitor from town. Many members often camp at the club for the weekend in their RVs. There are a lot of members making use of the club facilities during this weekend, and it is with pride that we as a club community work together to make it as successful and stress free as possible. There are usually special activities planned as well as lots of boating, jet skiing, swimming, and socializing. The main attraction during this weekend is the fireworks display made available on July 4th. Most of the money for this show is contributed by CBC. The fireworks are set off from the island just south of the club. This is one of the most popular weekends at CBC during the season. Don't miss it!
Labor Day is bittersweet for CBC members as it marks the last big event of the season. While it's always fun to participate in the "Last Blast Party," it's also a reminder of the end of summer and the CBC season. A themed party is often the main event, which includes dress up, food and drink specials, and games on the lawn. Many people use this weekend as a time to prepare for the end of the summer season, and to spend one more great weekend with their Boat Club friends. The club is only open on weekends after this event. Be sure not to miss this event and help make this "Last Blast" weekend truly great.
Poker Run is usually held toward the end of July. An established theme determines the boat decorations and member costumes. Boats pick up poker cards at stops around the lake and meet at a pre-determined site for a great afternoon cookout. Toward evening, members gather on the front lawn of the clubhouse for a special dinner, and more importantly, the auction. The auction, and the Poker Run in general, are held to raise money for local charities, which have included Jason's Friends, Meals on Wheels, and Hunting with Heroes. Club and charity volunteers donate time, effort, money, and food to make this one of the great CBC events of the summer!